Post-Interview Follow Up Tips: After the thank you note

Candidates often ask me: “post-interview, how long should I wait until AFTER I send the thank you note to contact the hiring manager again? What should I say? Should I call or e-mail again?”

The post-interview follow-up period can feel like the most difficult of situations for candidates. Push too hard, and you annoy them. Do not push, and you may not seem like a go-getter. If you are working with a recruiter, the recruiter will call to see what happens. But if you’re going after this work yourself, then all is you.

I this question to my LinkedIn group to see what the experts think. (Yet another reason why LinkedIn groups are so valuable.) I got some fabulous responses from executives in the management and human resources, and wanted to share with VAST you.


The of those who responded said that candidates can and should avoid the whole embarrassing situation to be directed in the first place. Ask the times for the hiring decision while still in an interview: “When you think you make a decision?” Or “What are the next steps?” It ‘a bold move that he feels for some candidates, but it is a really important step that is going to tell you where you are and what you can expect. It shows the hiring manager who really care about landing the job. (Watch my video to see how to ask for work, or at least know when they come to make a decision.)

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Peggy McKee has over 15 years of experience in sales, sales management, sales recruiting, and career coaching.  Her website, Career Confidential ( is packed with job-landing tips and advice as well as the practical, powerful, innovative tools every job seeker needs to be successful.

Find out more about what interview coaching can do for you—job-search strategies, social media help, role-playing interview questions, resumes that get the interview, 30/60/90-day plans that get the job, and much more at  Learn to be the candidate that everyone wants to hire.

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